Tax Refunds

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Believe it or not, the N.S.W. government will keep your overpaid gaming machine tax if you don’t ask for it back. Please don’t let this happen to your venue.

We have helped many N.S.W. venues make successful applications for full refunds of overpaid gaming machine tax averaging almost $7,000 per venue per tax year – see complete list below.

Some refunds applied for overpaid taxes that occurred up to 10 years ago. We have exclusive ways to complete checks for your venue. Why not let us investigate this for you? Call Phil in case we are able to help.

“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.” – Mark Twain. 

Venue Location Overpaid Tax Tax Year
Sydney South $2,449.38 2010/2011
Sydney West $4,632.22 2010/2011
Mid-North Coast $1,235.12 2010/2011
Sydney CBD $1,034.42 2010/2011
Illawarra $438.88 2010/2011
Sydney South $1,220.17 2011/2012
Sydney West $2,810.99 2011/2012
Sydney CBD $206.38 2011/2012
Sydney CBD $757.95 2012/2013
Sydney South $3,546.96 2012/2013
Sydney West $1,409.69 2012/2013
Sydney Sth. West $3,528.63 2012/2013
Sydney CBD $757.13 2012/2013
Sydney West $116.58 2012/2013
Sydney East $10,762.71 2013/2014
Sydney CBD $6,569.99 2013/2014
Sydney CBD $3,045.11 2013/2014
Sydney CBD $1,399.90 2013/2014
Blue Mountains $2,050.51 2013/2014
Sydney CBD $374.95 2013/2014
Illawarra $380.52 2013/2014
Sydney West $18,575.53 2014/2015
Sydney CBD $1,094.95 2014/2015
Blue Mountains $2,038.71 2014/2015
Sydney CBD $1,767.35 2014/2015
Illawarra $1,285.48 2014/2015
Sydney West $1,310.41 2015/2016
Sydney CBD $2,068.18 2015/2016
Sydney CBD $1,556.53 2015/2016
Sydney West $6,254.53 2015/2016
Sydney CBD $3,682.38 2015/2016
Sydney CBD $21,182.42 2016/2017
Sydney West $4,852.17 2016/2017
Sydney West $1,687.00 2016/2017
Sydney CBD $3,965.41 2016/2017
Sydney Sth. West $1,189.79 2016/2017
Sydney West $26,435.90 2016/2017
Upper Hunter $1,698.21 2016/2017
Sydney CBD $11,562.89 2016/2017
Sydney CBD $16,159.83 2017/2018
Sydney East $15,117.77 2017/2018
Sydney East $6,372.22 2017/2018
Sydney Sth. West $5,309.25 2017/2018
Sydney CBD $879.84 2017/2018
Sydney West $26,829.67 2017/2018
Sydney CBD $334.55 2017/2018
Sydney CBD $1,465.27 2018/2019
Sydney East $28,848.09 2018/2019
Sydney East $10,688.26 2018/2019
Sydney West $20,223.77 2018/2019
Sydney East $24,352.44 2018/2019
Sydney West $4,372.66 2018/2019
Sydney CBD $1,598.02 2018/2019
Sydney West $12,687.28 2018/2019
Sydney CBD $870.85 2018/2019
Hunter $821.55 2018/2019
Upper Hunter $1,083.65 2018/2019
Sydney West $39,292.21 2020/2021
Sydney West $18,024.40 2020/2021
Sydney West $1,398.32 2020/2021
Sydney West $17,047.05 2020/2021
Sydney North $2,373.50 2020/2021
Total $417,086.48